Surface Treatments Prior to Parylene Coating

Posted by Sean Horn on Fri, Mar 11, 2016

Pre-coating Essentials Poor parylene adhesion negates many of the coating’s most-valued functional properties, including dielectric strength, and resistance to the effects of chemicals, corrosive agents, and moisture.  Surface treatments that amplify the interface adhesion between the deposited parylene and the coated substrate are therefore highly desirable.  These treatments entail depositin

Parylene for LEDs

Posted by Sean Horn on Fri, Mar 4, 2016

LED Lifespan as Effected by UV Light Although LEDS are designed to provide as many as 100,000 hours of illumination under laboratory conditions, they are not nearly as resilient when subjected to persistent real-world, real-time usage.  Sensitive to electrical interference, moisture, UV light, and other persistent sources of physical damage, LEDs require protection to operate […]

Causes of Parylene Delamination

Posted by Sean Horn on Fri, Feb 26, 2016

Delamination Problems of Parylene Conformal Coatings Providing a uniform and pinhole-free substrate coating that is ultra-thin, lightweight and durable, parylene coatings completely conform to targeted components and assemblies.  Parylene CVD generates a structurally continuous film that, with appropriate pre-treatment, penetrates deep within substrate surfaces, rather than simply attaching thems