Rugged Devices and Parylene

Posted by Sean Horn on Fri, Apr 24, 2015

The Need for Rugged Products

Best Conformal Coating for Humid Environments

Posted by Sean Horn on Fri, Apr 10, 2015

Just about every major type of conformal coating provides protection against moisture. If you get a printed circuit board coated with epoxy, acrylic, urethane, silicone or parylene wet, typically all that you have to do is wipe it off. Environments with high humidity pose a different set of challenges. Because moisture is omnipresent in humid […]

Is Parylene Coating Bio-compatible?

Posted by Sean Horn on Fri, Apr 3, 2015

Parylene is the most bio-compatible conformal coating currently available. Its chemical properties make it a natural for use in medical and biological applications. In addition, some of its general benefits also make it particularly valuable in healthcare applications. Finally, parylene also enjoys a stringent USP Class VI bio-compatibility certification.