Parylene for Defense Applications

Posted by Sean Horn on Wed, Feb 4, 2015

What is Parylene? Parylene is a conformal protective polymer used for coating, first postulated by Michael Szwarc in 1947. His early experiments involved the decomposition of the solvent p-xylene. His worked proved that when the vapors of the p-xylene reacted with iodine, para-xylyene di-iodide was the only resulting product. The reaction produced only a low […]

Sterlization of Parylene

Posted by Sean Horn on Mon, Jan 5, 2015

Regardless of the variant, Parylene in general garners a great deal of praise for the many advantages it offers as a protective conformal coating for applications as varied as medical, aerospace, defense, LEDs, and automotive. Chief among the coating’s benefits, however, is that it can withstand common sterilization techniques, such as electron beam (e-beam), gamma, […]

Parylene for Industrial MEMS

Posted by Sean Horn on Thu, Oct 2, 2014

For contemporary industrial uses, sensors collect and respond to analog information, transforming it to a digital format.  Sensor design for many uses has increasingly relied on microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) technology.  MEMS are semiconductor-made micro-mechanisms, which typically work by deflecting optical signals from input-to-output fibers by deploying movable micro-mirrors.  TheyÂ